Book Spotlight – “Daisy Song (Life After Us Book 3) ” by Rebekah Dodson

Book Spotlight - Daisy Song - Rebekah Dodson

Book Blurb

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Seven months ago, Vicki Morel was supposed to be happy, not in the midst of the apocalypse. She and her fiancé, Will, should have been married and about to celebrate the birth of their child. Instead, she is on the run in fear for her life and the life of her baby. Her only hope is Ambrose—the man she truly loves.

Vicki entered Ambrose’s life like a bomb and blew everything apart. Just when he thought they could get out of this hell hole alive, she walked away. Or did she? After a cryptic message on a satellite phone, Ambrose is willing to risk it all to find her. Through a plane crash, escaping crazy doomsday preppers, and invading a military base, Ambrose and his band of survivors is determined to rescue Vicki. He wasn’t born a leader, yet the people follow him, determined to carve their own path in this world.

When everything ends, the daisy’s song promises a new beginning, a different life, and a fresh path in this altered world.

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The Life After Us Series Promo
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From the Author

Rebekah Dodson - Author Image

Rebekah Dodson is a prolific word weaver of romance, fantasy, and science fiction novels. Her works include the series Postcards from Paris, The Surrogate, The Curse of Lanval series, several stand alone novels, and her upcoming YA novel, Clock City. She has been writing her whole life, with her first published work of historical fiction with 4H Clubs of America at the age of 12, and poetry at the age of 16 with the National

Poetry Society. With an extensive academic background including education, history, psychology and English, she currently works as a college professor by day and a writer by night.

Where To Find Rebekah Dodson

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website (Rebekah Dodson), Newsletter (Rebekah Dodson)

Author Spotlight – Rebekah Dodson

Author Spotlight - Rebekah Dodson

Introducing Rebekah Dodson

Rebekah Dodson is a prolific word weaver of romance, fantasy, and science fiction novels. Her works include the series Postcards from Paris, The Surrogate, The Curse of Lanval series, several stand alone novels, and her upcoming YA novel, Clock City. She has been writing her whole life, with her first published work of historical fiction with 4H Clubs of America at the age of 12, and poetry at the

age of 16 with the National Poetry Society. With an extensive academic background including education, history, psychology and English, she currently works as a college professor by day and a writer by night.

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

Hello! I am a world traveler and history buff who started writing about 20 years ago, and publishing just 5 years ago. I dabble in a little of everything: romance, fantasy, science fiction, and time travel. I enjoy playing piano and have a band with my two teenage kids, and we are huge video game enthusiasts!

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

Beyond the Mask is an anthology put together by Fiction-Atlas Publishing, and I’m excited to work with an excellent team of writers! This anthology benefits Alex’s Lemonade Stand, which donates money to aid families who have children with cancer. It’s an important cause I’m passionate about, and I’m excited to donate my story, Super Sam, to this project.

Super Sam is about a lonely housewife who, after a car accident, discovers her husband’s “lab work” has given her super powers. Among super sense and strength, she also developed kinetic energy weapons. When a drug dealer moves on to her street and tempts her teenage son, Sam realizes she must jump into action before someone else’s baby is harmed.

Who is your intended readership?

My readers are anyone that enjoys action, suspense, and rich, detailed dialogue. I love to share worlds with readers as well.

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I started writing when I was about 12. I was home schooled, and my mother often let me choose between language arts or math. I picked language arts every time! I was an avid reader and enjoyed writing my very own “fan fic” about characters from Lord of the Rings, Anne of Green Gables, and Chronicles of Narnia.

By the time I was 16 I had already written a novel (though it is now lost to the ages on some abandoned 3.5″ disk!), and after graduate school at the age of 30, I published five books which eventually become the Postcards from Paris series. In the last five years, I have written and published 25 novels and seven short stories.

Do you have a favorite author, or writing inspiration?

One of my favorite authors right now is Cassandra Clare. Her ability to craft another world in her urban fantasy, and especially her historical fantasy, is just amazing. I aspire to write like her. I am also a huge fan of Charlaine Harris (of True Blood fame) and her first-person story telling!

What advice would you give beginning writers?

My advice would be before you finish your novel, connect with as many people in your genre as you can. Social media is a great tool for this! As soon as you finish your novel, however, make sure you give it to professionals. Hire a good editor and a professional cover designer. Don’t ever try to edit yourself!

Do you have any amusing writing stories or anecdotes to share?

My most recent releases, the science fiction/dystopian series Life After Us, all started because I heard the song “Leaving on the Jet Plane” about four years ago. I had the image in my head of boyfriend leaving his girlfriend behind in the Portland, Oregon (my home state) airport. Then I thought: what if the airport is attacked? Blown up? And the boyfriend is to blame? It snowballed from there…until I mentioned it to my best friend at the time, who made it even worse by giving me idea after idea after idea. Over the next 9 months the entire series was written, all becuase of a little song and a golden idea.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? Any hobbies?

I play piano and also like to play dungeons and dragons. I’m a huge fan of video games such as Tomb Raider, Skyrim, and Fallout, and I’m really looking forward to the new Kingdom of Hearts release! In my other off time, when I’m not teaching, I love to study history. I will watch any documentary and often get lost in TEDtalks about different historical issues, specifically British or medieval.

What’s your next project? Any upcoming book secrets you care to reveal?

My next release is the final book in the Life After Us series, Daisy Song, which is out on February 12nd with Happy Ever After Publishing. I’ll be putting out some romance thrillers and contemporary romance after that, but I also plan in completing my time travel series, The Curse of Lanval, in 2019. Stay tuned on my website for more release dates!

Beyond the Mask: A Fiction-Atlas Superhero Anthology

Beyond The Mask - Cover

There’s so much more to each hero beyond the mask…

Fighting crime is not always a walk in the park.

The power to protect citizens comes at a price… your identity.

How do you live an ordinary life when you can do such extraordinary things?

All proceeds from the print and digital sales of this book will be donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand, an organization that is a superhero to the many children diagnosed with childhood cancers. ALS’s mission is to change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer.

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Author Pages:


Where to find Rebekah Dodson:

Website (Rebekah Dodson), Twitter, Instagram, Newsletter, Facebook

Book Spotlight – “Battlefield Love” by Skyler Andra

31 Days Of Halloween - Battlefield Love - Book Spotlight

Book Blurb

When a sassy and disillusioned phone sex girl gets a hold of the power of Cupid, watch out!

Locke Casey is a twenty something year old creative writing student, funding her way through college with a questionable occupation. When some scorned chump calls through, asking her about love, what’s there to say? It sucks.

Told she’s perfect, she’s imbued with the powers of Eros, and thrown into a world she’s unprepared for. A world full of sexy avatars, each with unique godly abilities. Like Mads, the cunning and charming embodiment of Hermes, who’s allure she can’t resist. Or Rane, the intense, secretive and broody soldier, personifying Ares, that she can’t keep her hands off.

Unlike the avatars, Locke has somehow inherited the full power of Eros, who has mysteriously gone missing, and without his stabilizing influence, the gods are going crazy. Rane and Mads must get Locke to Olympus before it and Earth are thrown into chaos. But the closer she gets to the city of Gods, it seems the two avatars have secrets of their own, leaving Locke unsure who to trust.

Battlefield Love is the first in a series, a slow burn reverse harem romance with sexy, godly avatars and steamy scenes.

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From the Author

Skyler Andra

Never say never. That’s Skyler’s attitude, and she fills her heroines and heroes with that same philosophy. Skyler is an Aussie who loves traveling and her goal is to one day visit every country in the world.

When she’s not writing, she’s snuggling with a good book and her furbabies. At heart she’s a gaming nerd, Pilates and martial arts enthusiast.

Where To Find Skyler Andra

Facebook, Website (Skyler’s Den of Darkness – Facebook Reader’s Group), Newsletter (Skyler’s Den of Darkness – Facebook Reader’s Group)

Book Spotlight – “Tales from the White Hart” by Lyssa Medana

31 Days Of Halloween - Tales From The White Hart - Book Spotlight

Book Blurb

When Fiona Greene saved the life of an ancient elfen, Kadogan, he asked her heart’s desire. This is why, exactly 100 days later, Fiona found herself opening up ‘The White Hart’, a shop in a converted pub that sold handcrafted cards, exquisite gift wrap and a range of merchandise aimed at werewolves, vampires and the rest of the non-normal community. What could go wrong?

Lots could go wrong. They had a Tarot reader that didn’t believe in Tarot cards, a werewolf who had been thrown out of his pack as the warehouse manager and the redoubtable Mrs Tuesday coming to stay. Fiona could deal with all that, but she wasn’t happy about the attempts to pair her up with Steve Adderson, salesperson to the non-normal domains and magician.

Then the staff at the White Hart found themselves in the middle of a power struggle and suddenly her romance had to take a back seat.

A Paranormal Romance set in the beautiful and ancient city of York

Buy Your Copy Now! E-Book, Paperback
At These eBook Retailers: Amazon

About The Author

Lyssa Medana

Lyssa Medana is a 50 year old author living in West Yorkshire, UK. Her works include The Forgotten Village, Digging up the Past, Cats in the Bible, Dinner at Dark and Tales from the White Hart.
Lyssa also regularly publishes poems and short stories on her blog, Always Another Chapter.

Lyssa is fascinated by the odd, the quirky and the unusual and enjoys dipping in to old folklore and English social history, which she shamelessly uses for her writing. Her hobbies include knitting, reading and heckling history documentaries.

Where To Find Lyssa Medana

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Blog (Always Another Chapter), Website (Always Another Chapter), Newsletter (Always Another Chapter)

Tales from the White Hart is a collection of chapters posted every week on the stand alone blog with a new chapter posted every Friday.

Author Spotlight – Katherine Gilbert

Introducing Katherine Gilbert

31 Days Of Halloween - Katherine Gilbert - Author Spotlight

Katherine Gilbert was born at house number 1313 and then transplanted to a crumbling antebellum ruin so gothic that The Munsters would have run from it. She has since gained several ridiculously-impractical degrees in English and Religious and Women’s Studies. She now teaches at a South Carolina community college, where all her students think, correctly, that she is very, very strange, indeed.

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

The decaying nineteenth-century mansion in South Carolina I mention in my bio was so creepy many people simply refused to enter it. They were the smart ones. About ten years after I finally managed to escape it, I was told by a family friend that it had burned down. He was quite surprised, when I laughed in hysterical relief. Since then, I’ve been fascinated by the gothic and paranormal, although I demand large doses of humor to make life worthwhile.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

Lydia, the main character in Protecting the Dead, has spent the first 18 years of her life being raised by parents who intended from the start to sacrifice her to a demon, so she’s got some definite social anxiety disorder issues she’s having trouble overcoming. She’s decided the way to be happy is to just be the most normal person possible and ignore anything weird or strange. Since she ends up getting a job at a supernatural apartment complex filled with werewolves, cat people, ghosts, vampires, and many other creatures of the night, this isn’t easy for her. Her attraction to her angelic boss doesn’t help matters, either. It’s really a character’s journey from an uncertain past to a future where she starts to realize that embracing weirdness can lead to happiness.

Who is your intended readership?

Hoo boy–where to start? First off, I don’t do dark or gritty. To my mind, life has too much of both those qualities as it is. There are also too many unpleasant people out there in the real world either causing or enjoying the suffering of others. I’ve never wanted to spend my free or dream time with them, so (while this type may show up as a villain) they will never be my protagonists. I actually like a character I can, well, like. In other words, if you root for Sauron over Frodo or Aragorn, I’m not the writer for you.

Two of my greatest loves, as well, are humor and the weird or paranormal, so that kind of tells you something about what you should be expecting (well, if you toss in that there are romances, too). My writing is full of strange, funny, quirky characters in weird, paranormal situations.

Another aspect of my writing is kind of a quirky spirituality. Nothing in my novels will resemble any religion you ever heard of. There are both angels and demons in Protecting the Dead, but they probably won’t fit most preconceived religious notions. Still, I’d rather create worlds where the protagonists and their friends are working toward seeing good happen in the world and helping out all those around them.

It was only after my novel was published that I came to realize how much it doesn’t seem to fit most people’s expectations. If you approach it solely as a romance, the protagonist’s journey is really only partly about her relationship, so this may throw you off. If you approach it solely as urban fantasy, it will seem weirdly humorous and light. If you expect it to be a typical (i.e. rigidly codified Christianity) inspirational, your brain will probably explode. My sister attempted to define it once as an inspirational comic paranormal urban gothic romance. I guess I’d just say it the way I do in my newsletter. My writing is for those times you want humor, romance, and the paranormal–and you aren’t willing to settle for just one.

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I actually started out as a fan fiction writer for a show I was obsessed with. At first, the stories all filled in the blanks left by the episodes, but, once the show ended a few years later, I branched out into alternate universe stories. I realized through these that I was actually able to create my own plot and characters. In fact, the characters always know where they’re going, even when I haven’t a clue. I just need to get the time to put my fingers on the keyboard and let them tell me what they want written about them.

Do you have a favorite author, or writing inspiration?

There are a lot of favorite authors for me, but Terry Pratchett probably comes out on top. He mixes humor, fantasy, the supernatural, and real-world truths and concerns with absolutely seamless brilliance. I’ve reread some of the Discworld novels so many times I’ve nearly memorized them.

As to my inspirations, there are a couple. First, my sister listens to every chapter as I write and is unbelievably supportive. It’s wonderful to have someone who really gets me listening to what I’m working on. Second, a lot of my novels come from either dreams or the seed of a real-life encounter. Protecting the Dead was inspired by a run-down apartment complex my sister and I visited. When she asked about the tenant turnover, she was told, “Oh, our residents never leave.” Thus, my brain started sizzling. Third, though, are just the characters themselves. When I finally published this first novel (after years of trying), a friend asked me why I never gave up. I told her truthfully that I couldn’t betray my characters that way. They wanted their story told, so I needed to do what I could to see that that happened.

What advice would you give beginning writers?

Mostly, as I said above, if this is something you really want to do and the stories are just burning in your mind, don’t give up. This is true even when: you’re halfway through writing and either realize you have no idea where this story is going or it takes off in a sudden new direction you never expected; agents and publishers are thoroughly uninterested in your work; you’re bogged down in editing which seems to be driving you close to madness; the thought of trying to “create a platform” for your published work makes you want to hold your head; nobody’s buying your book; or some of those few who review it just say some version of, “Whuh?” Trust in your characters; do the best you can for them and yourself, and, whenever possible, help out others, as you go along.

Do you have any amusing writing stories or anecdotes to share?

In Protecting the Dead, there’s this little old Jewish woman who keeps popping up in Lydia’s dreams. For the longest time, I was as clueless as she was as to who this old woman was and why she kept invading my story. It was only partway through a chapter about halfway through the novel that it finally dawned on me who she was (although, to avoid spoilers, I won’t explain further).

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? Any hobbies?

My hobbies are mostly mundane (tv, movies, books). As to what I’m passionate about, I suppose spending time with my sister and friends. I love to go on small adventures somewhere beautiful or strange, whether it’s a place I’ve never seen before or one I’ve been to any number of times. Honestly, too, even if my sister and I go nowhere, just spending time laughing and talking with her is one of my greatest joys. I utterly, thoroughly scored in the cosmic sister lottery, and I always enjoy my good fortune.

What’s your next project? Any upcoming book secrets you care to reveal?

I’ve got one book I’m writing and another I’m editing. For the one I’m editing, it involves magic and some demonic secrets in an antebellum mansion on the Battery in Charleston, SC. Sometimes hidden family secrets can reach out to grab you.

Protecting the Dead

Protecting the Dead-Cover

After a childhood filled with demons and her devil-worshiping parents, Lydia longs for a quiet, normal life, a safe haven somewhere blissfully dull. Being the manager at the Roanoke Apartments seems to fit that bill. But Lydia soon learns that you can’t leave the past behind so easily. She finds herself faced with unclogging drains for werewolves, conducting nightly vampire counseling sessions, and caring for two talkative cats. Then there’s the

distraction of Geoffrey, the hottest, and most angelic, boss anyone ever dreamed of. As if that isn’t enough, the demon who nearly killed her shows up to finish the job. So much for a peaceful, simple life…

Buy Now: E-Book, Paperback (Coming Soon)

Author Pages:

Amazon, Smashwords

Where to find Katherine Gilbert:

Website (Facebook)

Newsletter Sign-Up – More in Heaven and Earth–If you sign up, you’ll receive behind-the-scenes tidbits, news, and some links to current contests, usually once per month (unless there’s special news to announce).

Author Spotlight – Vivienne Savage

Introducing Vivienne Savage

Vivienne Savage is the pen name of two best friends who write everything together. One works as a nurse in a rural healthcare home in Texas and the other is a U.S. Navy veteran. Both are mothers to two darling boys and two amazing girls.
All of their work varies in steam level, so pop by the VS website for details on which series is right for you!

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

Hi! Two of us plot and write our books together because we’re big friends. We met each other in an online roleplaying game about Harry Potter back in 2011 and have been pals ever since. Then one day, we realized we had too many stories to keep between the two of us and a writing career was born.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

My most recent book is The Hidden Court, part of the Paranormal University series. It’s about a young woman named Skylar who is the descendant of Cinderella’s faerie godmother, and chronicles her journey through magic school and learning to become her own person.

And about being true to yourself. Skylar doesn’t actually want to be a faerie godmother. In my paranormal universe, magicians, shifters, and vampires get to become sentinels, which are basically magical FBI agents who police the supernatural world.

It took us two years to build the world up and write the first book. We also outlined books 2 and 3 at the same time.

Who is your intended readership?

Anyone who likes modern fantasy but doesn’t mind some swearing and violence.

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I started writing when I was about 9. My parents bought me a Mac and I’d sit on my computer writing up awful stories.

Do you have a favorite author, or writing inspiration?

I’m a horror fan. Stephen King and Anne Rice have been inspirations since I was in single digit years. My mother never cared about the content of the books I read, as long as i read them and enjoyed it. I (Nicole) and Alisha can say the same thing about both our moms and credit them for fostering our love of books.

What advice would you give beginning writers?

Accept that your earliest works will suck, but look forward to improving and getting better.

Do you have any amusing writing stories or anecdotes to share?

Nicole has a pair of green cheek conures named Sunrise and Moonbeam. Sunrise hated her teenage son for two years, for no actual reason. If he gives the bird a snack, she’ll snatch it from him, throw it down, then bite him.

Alisha came to visit and had the honor of meeting Sunrise once, of course, and Sunrise hated her until Allie opened a container of yogurt. The bird loves yogurt, and came over to be friends with her until the yogurt was gone.

Our male protagonist, Gabriel, has a pet sun conure named Amaterasu who loathes Skylar. We totally added her into the story in honor of Sunrise.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? Any hobbies?

I play video games, read, and play with our animals. We’re both big gamers, but we’re also moms so we do that crap too XD

What’s your next project? Any upcoming book secrets you care to reveal?

Finishing up a sci-fi romance series and the next Paranormal University novel! We’re on the final chapter. Home stretch, home stretch, home stretch!

The Hidden Court

TheHiddenCourtSkylar’s only dream since childhood has been to become a sentinel, a supernatural agent trained to fight paranormal threats. Unfortunately, it’s a role assigned to non-fae only, and she’s doomed to a life of babysitting privileged mortals.

When her first year at the PNRU begins, it doesn’t take long to discover the magic school has serious issues. Between the rogue vampire attacks in Chicago and a rising student body count, she is convinced something sinister is at large. Too bad the indifferent university staff disagree.

Befriended by a shifter who is as frustrating as he is attractive, Skylar soon finds herself trapped in the middle of a centuries-old feud and forced to take matters into her own hands… before her first year away from home becomes her last.

Check Out My Review: (Read on Amazon)

This book is a great read, and the romance element just adds to what would be an otherwise great story.

Starting a new school can be difficult enough, but when you’re going to a school for supernatural students things are always going to be a little different. I loved how each of the races had a unique perspective on not only each other, but the history of the magical world, and the events that are going on around them.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a suspense story without something going on to raise the tensions between the various races, or the individuals, and the author delivers on this in a wonderfully entertaining way.

What really surprised me though, is how much I came to care for the supporting cast of characters, just as much as I did for the protagonist and the love-interest. There is a great variety in the characters, and each of them has qualities that set them apart, as well as compliment each other.

I received a copy of this book as an Advanced Reader Copy, in return for an honest review, but I’ll definitely be adding more of this author’s work to my collection…

Buy Now: E-Book

Author Pages:

Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo

Where to find Vivienne Savage:

Website (Vivienne Savage, fantasy author), Twitter,Instagram, Facebook

Author Spotlight – Anna Applegate

Introducing Anna Applegate

Anna Applegate is a paranormal romance and urban fantasy author. Her debut trilogy, The Ariya Adams Trilogy, is available now. She started out as an avid reader who kept finding that she wanted an extra scene, or alternate ending in the books she was reading. After being challenged to try to write her own story, the words poured out of her and she has pursued writing ever since.

Anna loves reading, romance of ALL kinds, sappy chick flicks, paranormal literature, shooting stars, Disney, nerdy fandoms and having an imagination.

Why don’t you begin by sharing a little about yourself.

So, hello! 🙂 My name is Anna Applegate. I live in rural Pennsylvania with my husband and four incredible kiddos. When I’m not writing, I’m a marketing assistant and meeting/conference planner. I’d love to someday be able pursue writing full time. I have a coffee addiction that I refuse to try to break and enjoy thinking that I can actually sing during my commute to and from work each day.

I’ve loved reading my whole life and I’ve always had an active imagination. I’m a big fan of happy endings in the books I read, which makes me a sucker for any kind of romances — paranormal, historical, time travel, fantasy, etc. But I do love other genres as well! I’m a big fan of people doing what they are passionate about and dreaming big so that is what this writing journey has been about for me.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest book?

My latest book was Sacrificed (Book 3 in the Ariya Adams Trilogy). It was released this past December (2017). The Ariya Adams Trilogy was my first debut into the writing world. I started back in 2012 and published Protected (Book 1 in the Ariya Adams Trilogy) and Awakened (Book 2 in the Ariya Adams Trilogy) back in 2013. I went on an unplanned writing hiatus and desperately missed it.

I finally got around to finishing Sacrificed last year and was so excited to get it out to everyone! I had some wonderful people reaching out and checking on the progress, even after that 4 year gap! So it felt wonderful to finally get that out.

I was definitely sad to say goodbye to Ariya and the gang from the series. They were the first characters I really wrote, and they’ll always have a special place in my heart. Ariya Adams is a college aged student, in her final year at Kingsbrook College. She learns quickly that her life is not at all as normal as she thought it was. The trilogy is a paranormal romance / urban fantasy mix, but I also have suspense and some mystery in there. One day I would love to write a historical romance, and I was able to add in some modified history into the Ariya Adams Trilogy with information about a bloodline of Protectors. Protectors are a group of vampires, and you can learn all about who they are, what they do and their history in the trilogy!

The trilogy has a variety of paranormal creatures in it including vampires, werewolves and warlocks. The series takes place in a few different locations, the school where our main characters attend, Germany, Colorado and a few others. There’s daring escapes, kidnappings, romance, mysteries, suspense and big bads that you love to hate! Plus, the trilogy is full released now and available on Amazon and it’s a part of the Kindle Unlimited Program!

Who is your intended readership?

I’ve noticed a wide range of ages and backgrounds in my readers lately, which has been incredibly fascinating to me. I feel like I write the books that I want to read. I’m in my early thirties and a Mom, so I enjoy escaping to another world sometimes. My books are written with characters who are college aged and older. I’ve noticed that there is a definite increase in my readers who are 35-50. So I feel like I write for other people who like to get away into the pages of a book — whether it’s getting away from job stress, kiddie stress, whatever stress. I feel like while the sexual content is mild in this upcoming book, there is some violence (not intense, and not very graphic).

In my previous trilogy, The Ariya Adams Trilogy, there was sexual content and violence, so I’d say that trilogy would be for 18+.

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I had taken a Creative Writing elective in High School and I loved every minute of it. I had such an easy time with assignments, at least the ones where we got to write fiction! So I always enjoyed writing. I never thought in a million years I’d have my work out there, or write a book for that matter.

I had graduated college and was working for a wonderful company with a few other women my age. We all had similar reading tastes and devoured books. I was reading 2 books a week, and that was on a slow week for me! I just couldn’t read enough. I was starting to sound like a broken record with my friends at work, telling them — well what if this had happened? Or I wish they would have explored this part more. Finally, one day one of my friends said, well if you think you can do better, try it! We all laughed, and I went home that night and thought about it. I did NOT think I could do better by any means, but I thought to myself that it might be fun to try to write.

Before I knew it, I had 60,000 words of a book. I felt a spark I had never felt before inside of me and suddenly, all I wanted to do was think about my story and find out where it was going (remember, earlier I let you in on my secret that for my first 3 books, I had NO PLAN! haha). I had started reading an H.P. Mallory Book, Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (Book 1 in the Jolie Wilkins Series). In the back I saw a note that she was an Indie Author / Self Published. I had no idea what that meant and I looked into it. She had written a Self Publish Guide, which I bought and suddenly the Indie Author world was opened before my eyes! I hopped into a Facebook Group, met my two writing sisters who provide critiques and motivation for me and have become dear friends, and I haven’t looked back! I had a bit of a hiatus during my trilogy (well, longer than a bit, but life got crazy). But now, I’m back to writing and excited to be pursuing my passion again.

Do you have a favorite author, or writing inspiration?

It’s so hard for my to pick favorite authors. Being a part of B2BCYCON this year, I saw so many Fantasy works. It reminded me of my childhood. Growing up, my parents read me books like The Hobbit. My childhood fear wasn’t monsters under my bed, it was Gollum. I was terrified, and still to this day I get goosebumps hearing “My Precious.” I have always enjoyed reading, and I think it’s because my parents instilled that into me at a young age. As I got older, my Mom would read me the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries, and when I started reading more on my own when I was older, I gravitated towards Agatha Christie novels. So fantasy, mystery, suspense, those books grabbed me and shaped what I loved to read. When the paranormal romance genre took off, I think really when I was in college I got into it the most, I loved everything about the genre and the books I was reading, because I felt like it was capturing everything I had loved mixed together in one genre! Some of my favorites in the genre I write would have to be Amy Bartol and H.P. Mallory. But really, in this age of self-publishing, I am constantly discovering new authors who grab my attention. This world is FILLED with talented people and I love that there are so many who are willing to share their stories with us. I am first and foremost a reader!

What advice would you give beginning writers?

I went through a really hard time in my life right as my second book in my trilogy was coming out. I had been on a roll when I first started. I was so excited about writing and discovering this entire new world I hadn’t known existed. But then life happened, like it so often does. I went through some very hard personal times, then went through some happy times, then became a Mom and that changed everything. Suddenly, I let my writing go altogether. People would ask me occasionally when the third book was coming out, but I had been so far removed from everything that I let doubt overtake me completely. I thought no one would care if I didn’t write it, that it didn’t matter. I had such bad writers block, I thought I was done. Plus, I kept using the excuse that I didn’t have time. But then I started talking to some small business women who broke everything down into simple facts. I had a woman ask me if I had enjoyed writing. YES! Had it made me happy? YES! Could I find 30 minutes a day to write, everyday? Uhhh…I hesitated. She made it even more simple … Was I willing to make writing a priority? I had to think about that. I needed something in my life again for me, and writing had given me such a wonderful outlet. I was able to meet new people, and connect with new friends and create whole new worlds in my mind. It is such an amazing feeling. So I said YES! And guess what? I may not have had 30 minutes a day to write at first, at least I didn’t think I did. But I could find 30 minutes 3 times a week. So I did that and soon enough, I was in the groove. I had created a habit out of writing, and I stuck with it. Even if I got 2,000 words out and had to delete all of it later, I was writing again. For me, I just need to get the words out onto paper. Then when I edit I can tweak and idea, erase stuff that was garbage and rewrite it. But if I can break past that initial barrier and just get the words down, it usually makes the rest of the process easier! And I DO have the time — that’s 1 less TV show, or setting my alarm a little bit early 3 days a week. Writing is my passion, and I needed to make it a priority again, schedule time for it like I was doing for everything else!

Do you have any amusing writing stories or anecdotes to share?

I wish I had something interesting to share here 🙂 I love a pretty boring “Mom” life, Tim 🙂 haha I’ll have to start thinking about how to spice things up haha!!

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? Any hobbies?

I’m a nerd at heart, so when I’m not writing, I’m probably binging on shows like Doctor Who, Timeless, or other Netflix / Hulu shows, or reading 🙂 I have four wonderful kids who keep me quite busy as well — two of them being twin toddlers, so the opportunity for hobbies was pretty much eliminated when they were born. I’m slowly working back up to having some again, i.e. writing. My other hobbies will have to start developing again as my kids continue to grow up!

What’s your next project? Any upcoming book secrets you care to reveal?

I just finished Book 1 of a Duology! It’s a paranormal romance / urban fantasy, with vampires and some other creatures that I can’t give away just yet. It also includes vampire hunters! Book 1 is titled “A Hunter Within.” I’m shooting for a July 2018 release, and will have more information on the specifics of that date in the next few weeks. Right now the first draft is done and I’m working through edits with my beta readers and writing sisters. The book will be officially off to my editor on June 8th!

I loved writing this one. It by far was the quickest I’ve written a book. I started this past January and the first draft was completed and sitting at around 80,000 words by the last week in March. I used an outline for the first time, and as much as fought writing that way, I may be hooked now! I previously wrote a paranormal romance trilogy, The Ariya Adams Trilogy. For that one I just sat down at my computer and typed away, no plan, nothing. For this book, I tried to approach it with a bit more organization, and it worked out as far as how quickly I could get words to paper. I did want it to be a stand alone book, however it morphed into two books as I wrote, and I didn’t want to fight it! So I’m really excited about this book and its release!

The main character is Jules Parker. She’s reserved, only keeping a few close friends, the main two we get to meet early on. She’s a bookworm in her last year of college studying to become a Research Scientist. We start the book off seeing her in an internship she’s worked hard to obtain at a prestigious company. The problem is, the company has some secrets that Jules discovers early on that make her wary. She lives with her Aunt and has since she was a child and her parents died in a car accident. There’s definitely some mystery around this one, I’d like to think some suspense, and then of course romance and lots of paranormal!

Protected (Book 1 in the Ariya Adams Trilogy)

Protected-ebookShe thinks she’s a normal college Senior. He knows she’s anything but.

Ariya Adams has no idea she’s descended from blood so powerful and rare that her life is infinitely more precious than any ordinary woman’s—especially to James Rymer.

James enters her life and stirs up feelings she can’t explain. He becomes a part of her world almost overnight, but Ariya senses he’s hiding something, and she’s determined to figure out what it is.

When “normal” becomes a thing of the past and fantasy enters Ariya’s reality, she’s soon faced with dangerous revelations, the least of which is that everyone she loves has been keeping secrets from her. With a paranormal evil she’s only beginning to comprehend threatening her and her friends, Ariya will have to choose between duty and love. Through it all, she’ll learn to never underestimate the power of blood.

Read the series fans are calling “captivating,” “page-turning” and “not your typical vampire story.”

Buy Now: Paperback, E-Book

Awakened-ebook sharpenedSacrificed 4 ebook jpegThen continue to read the rest of the Trilogy with “Awakened” and “Sacrificed”

Author Page:


Where to find Anna Applegate:

Website (, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook

You can also reach out to Anna on her personal Facebook

I also have a Facebook Reader’s Group that I can interact with everyone a bit more personally than on my Facebook business page.

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Here I host exclusive contents, giveaways, updates on my writing and upcoming events AND each month I have a Reading Corner where I talk about my current reads and a book that’s on sale!

Right now I’m hosting an EXCLUSIVE Character Contest for people who are a part of my Newsletter Subscription list. The winner will have a character named after them in my upcoming novel.

The next Newsletter is going out April 24th and it will have the last chances to enter for that opportunity, with the contest closing on May 8th.

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A 2017 Round-up 3 of 3 – A Year In The Spotlights


In This Post:

  • Books featured in “Book Spotlights” during 2017
  • Authors featured in “Author Spotlights” during 2017
  • Update on the reader survey

I know that this series started as a round-up of 2017 in two parts, but I realized there was so much that happened in 2017, that I really needed more posts…

(And yes, it might even go to 4 posts if individual posts get too long).

So without further ado, let’s take a look at the books and authors that have featured on “Ramblings of an Author” over the last twelve months.

Want Your Book Spotlighted?

Click Here To Fill Out The Form

J.N. Sheats

Heidi Angell 

Andy Peloquin

Connie Cockrell

Claire Plaisted

Rosemary Cawkwell

Stephanie Ayers

Renee Scattergood

Toi Thomas

A.L. Mabry

Patricia Josephine

Cassidy Taylor

Interested In Being In The Author Spotlight?

Click Here To Fill Out The Form


I’m Still Taking Views From Blog Readers

A 2017 Round-up 2 of 3 – The Year In Books


In This Post:

  • Statistics About My Reading Habits in 2017
  • Fiction Books I Read (and links to my reviews)
  • Non-Fiction Books I Read (and links to my reviews)
  • My Personal Book Releases, and feedback from readers

I know that this series started as a round-up of 2017 in two parts, but I realized there was so much that happened in 2017, that I really needed more posts…

(And yes, it might even go to 4 posts if individual posts get too long).

Target Number Of Books To Read: 25

Number Of Books Actually Read: 37 (28 Fiction, 9 Non-Fiction)

Number Of Pages Read: 7,982

Comment below – let’s see how we all did on our reading targets

5-Star Reviews

4-Star Reviews

3-Star Reviews

Comment Below With Any Fiction Recommendations

5-Star Reviews

4-Star Reviews

3-Star Reviews

Comment Below With Any Non-Fiction Recommendations

Evaline Transcendent

Format: Kindle E-Book


Released: July 26, 2017

Blurb: Evaline is the shipboard computer on the Miranda Two, a colony ship destined for the planet Karman-III-Delta. She is possibly Earth’s last hope of establishing a working off-world colony. However, her predecessor stopped reporting home, so now she and the colonists must establish what happened to the previous colony.
The Miranda Two has been traveling for twenty years, and now it’s time for Evaline to wake the crew and colonists in preparation or arrival at their destination. Can Evaline and the crew figure out what happened to the Miranda One expedition, and what price will they have to pay for the answers?

Note From the Author: This is the second release of “Evaline Transcendent”, which originally appeared in the “Across the Karman Line” anthology. Since that release, I have revisited the story and expanded on some aspects, and rewritten others. At its core, this is exactly the same story but reimagined for a wide audience.

Originally standing at around 8,500 words, this new release boasts a word count of closer to 14,000. I hope that those of you who have read the original story will discover new aspects to it when reading this version. For those coming to it for the first time, enjoy!


Love reading! Love reading many things but not science fiction… So it’s strange that I LOVED reading this!!! A short and wonderfully captivating story which REALLY should be made into a movie!!! You’ll see why yourselves – no spoilers here 😉 I’ve just downloaded his other book too YAY 😀

Book Dreams Volume #1 (Brain to Books Anthology)

Format: Kindle E-Book


Released: April, 2017

Blurb: Here, we present the talents of assorted artists. In this collection, you will find short stories, continuations, and poems that encompass the hidden treasures of today’s uprising authors. May their words influence you as much as they have influenced mine.

Authors Include: Ani H. Manjikian, Adam Dreece, W.J. Howard, Toi Thomas, Timothy Bateson, Laura McHale Holland, Ash Krafton, Sanzaki Kojika, Tyrean Martinson, C.T. Callahan, Natash Jackson, Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra, Jeanne Richards, Charlene Jones, Angela B. Chrysler

Book Spotlight – “Raven’s Gift” by Angel Lawson

Book Blurb

‘Twas five days before Christmas
and all through the Nead,
Not a Raven was ready,
to fulfill Morgan’s needs.

Morgan’s stockings were pulled,
tight over her legs,
In hopes that a guardian
Would soon kneel and beg.

Then to what to her
wondering eyes should appear,
but an idea of how the Ravens
could bring holiday cheer.

Each takes a day,
A tradition is set,
Morgan knows in an instant
that her desires will be met.

In thundering heartbeats,
and wandering hands,
Morgan’s Ravens attend to her eager demands.

Oh Dylan,
Ooh Clinton and hold tight, here comes Bunny
On Sam and with Damien
there’s time for everybody.

Let the countdown begin,
for some holiday cheer,
may Morgan and her Ravens
Have a Happy New Year.

Raven’s Gift is a Christmas Novella that is part of the Raven Queen’s Harem. Readers do not have to have read the series to enjoy this romp of holiday fun!

Buy Your Copy Now! E-Book

From the Author

Angel Lawson is a USA Today Bestselling Paranormal Romance author of adult and young adult fiction. She lives with her family in Atlanta and has a lifelong obsession with creating fiction from reality, either with paint or words. On a typical day you can find her writing, reading, plotting her escape from the zombie apocalypse and trying to get the glitter out from under her nails.

Angel’s most recent work is The Death Fields Series, a five book Post-Apocalyptic Thriller. She is the author of the Creature of Habit and The Wraith Series and The Lost Queen. Contemporary novels Serial Summer, FanGirl, and For the Win.

Where To Find Angel Lawson

Facebook, E-mail, Website, Newsletter (Angel Lawson’s Mailing List)