Book Spotlight “Beyond The Mask”

Beyond The Mask - Cover

There’s so much more to each hero beyond the mask…

Fighting crime is not always a walk in the park.

The power to protect citizens comes at a price… your identity. 

How do you live an ordinary life when you can do such extraordinary things?

All proceeds from the print and digital sales of this book will be donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand, an organization that is a superhero to the many children diagnosed with childhood cancers. ALS’s mission is to change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer.

Buy Your Copy Now! E-Book

At These eBook Retailers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play

From The Publisher (Fiction-Atlas Press)

Hello! Every year Fiction-Atlas Press publishes a charity anthology to benefit charity. This year we’ve chosen Alex’s Lemonade Stand as the recipient of all proceeds from our superhero anthology titled, Beyond the Mask. 100% of the proceeds from the ebook and print editions of this book will be donated to ALS. We also wanted to put together this fundraiser for those who wanted to make a greater contribution to this amazing organization!  Whether it be $5 or $50 every single contribution goes to help fund childhood cancer research!

Fiction Atlas Pres

About Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

US 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization We share the vision of our founder and creator, Alexandra “Alex” Scott – a cure for all children with cancer. Our Mission: To raise money and awareness of childhood cancer causes, primarily research into new treatments and cures. To encourage and empower others, especially children, to raise money for childhood cancer by holding their own Alex’s Lemonade Stands.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

About The Authors

C.L. Cannon

C.L. Cannon is a publisher, publicist, editor, author, designer, and lots of other occupations with the -er sound at the end!

She is a woman of many talents who never gives up or stops improving. She enjoys writing about love and friendship. She loves it even more when she can add fantasy and science fiction aspects to those themes!

She’s a self-proclaimed Harry Potter freak (Slytherin Pride people), lover of anything Joss Whedon (Spuffy forever), Tolkien fiend (who enjoys second breakfast), an addict of classic literature (Social class struggles turn me on… literally  yah see what I did there?)

She spends her days trying to #bookstagram (and probably failing), helping other authors grow and succeed (I love my job), and loving on her two babes (velociraptors), Seth and Petey.

She’s also sort of a social media enthusiast! You can find her basically everywhere on the net (man I just aged myself).

Or, you can visit her website for more content!

Sarah Buhrman

Sarah is an AuthorGoddess, one who embraces the divine honor of creating worlds with words in the hope of inspiring others. Sarah has been writing for more than 25 years, starting with poetry before moving on to non-fiction and fiction. She lives in the Midwest with two monsters (the kids), an ogre (the hubby), and whatever drama-llama is coming to visit this week. Sarah is the author of the Runespells series: Too Wyrd, Fluffy Bunny, and The Chains That Bind. She has short stories in several anthologies, including Counterclockwise: A Time Travel Anthology, A Twist of Fate: A Collection of 11 Twisted Fairy Tales, and Whispers of Hope: A Lexis Infinitum Charity Anthology. Sarah also has a blog via Patreon and makes funny videos about writing on her vlog, Practically Writing.

Matthew Stevens

Matthew Stevens spent years dreaming about being a writer before he found time late at night to create characters and worlds and the stories for them to inhabit. His current projects find him dabbling in a wide range of genres from his drafted novel, a paranormal thriller, to numerous fantasy and sci-fi shorts, along with an occasional blog post examining his perspective on his own writing journey and any intriguing geeky topic that catches his attention. He can be found online at:


Twitter: @matt_the_writer



K.Matt is an author and illustrator. Her main body of work is the Hell Bent series of graphic novel/prose novella hybrids. She can be found in Upstate New York, in pretty much the middle of nowhere. She’s a fan of comics (and especially the movies based on them) and is an unrepentant workaholic. Her story “Travesty” is a culmination of her love of superhero media (and her love of making her characters suffer).

R.M. Demeester

R.M. Demeester lives in Saskatchewan, Canada. She is the mother of three young children, and owner of a rescue dog, a chocolate lab, Gainer. R.M. Demeester has been writing for as long as she could hold a pencil. She writes women’s fiction, new adult, and sweet romance primarily. She has two women’s fiction novels set to be released in 2019, along with several short stories.

Devorah Fox

“What if?” Those two words all too easily send Devorah Fox spinning into flights of fancy. Best-selling author of award-winning books including The Bewildering Adventures of King Bewilliam literary historical fantasy series and several thrillers, she also penned Fantasy/Science Fiction and Mystery Mini Short Reads and contributed short stories to popular fantasy anthologies. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she now lives on the Texas Gulf Coast with rescued tabby cats … and a dragon named Inky. 

Visit the “Dee-Scoveries” blog at and subscribe to receive the free email newsletter at

Rebekah Dodson

Rebekah Dodson is a prolific word weaver of romance, fantasy, and science fiction novels. Her works include the series Postcards from Paris, The Surrogate, The Curse of Lanval series, several stand-alone novels, and her upcoming YA novel, Clock City. She has been writing her whole life, with her first published work of historical fiction with 4H Clubs of America at the age of 12, and poetry at the age of 16 with the National Poetry Society. With an extensive academic background including education, history, psychology, and English, she currently works as a college professor by day and a writer by night.

Bob James

Bob James is a native of the Chicago area, growing up in Oak Park, Ill. He currently lives in Corpus Christi, TX. He retired after 25 years in the education business – one year as a sign language interpreter followed by 24 years as a teacher in the fields of Special Education and Technology. All of his unpublished work can be accessed through his new site, Bob James – The Author. He writes daily devotionals, Science Fiction, and Thrillers, and is also working on a book about the journey that he and his wife went through during her battle with breast cancer. Bob has been married to his wife Lucy since 1979. They have two sons, one daughter, one granddaughter, and one grandson.

Melissa E. Beckwith

Melissa has been writing books since before she had learned to read, in the form of picture books, and planned to be an author at age 4.  She spent her youth penning short stories, poems and writing in her diary.  At nineteen she married her high school sweetheart and started her family.  She has spent her adult life raising her three children and teaching herself the business and craft of writing.  Born and raised in beautiful Southern California she and her husband now live along the Ohio River in Indiana to be near their beloved grandson, Bryar.

Melissa enjoys the outdoors and nature, especially camping.  She has an interest in the natural world, particularly the wonder of birds and bugs.  She can’t grow plants to save her life, though she likes to try. She loves art and paints a little herself.  She has a great interest in history and plans on trying her hand at historical fiction in the future.  Someday she hopes to travel the world starting with Scotland, Ireland, Africa, and Australia.

Melissa loves to listen to heavy metal, Irish rock, and Celtic music…well, anything Celtic really.  She loves dangly earrings, big rings, bright clothes, the color red, yellow roses, orange cats, and little dogs, like her fuzzy Shih Tzu, Abby.

Most days you will find her tapping away at her keyboard, researching her next great novel, or catch her with her nose stuck in an epic fantasy or historical fiction story.

C.M. Lander

M. Lander is an emerging voice in the fantasy and science fiction genre. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Hofstra University where she focused on her first love–poetry. She has been featured as Tumblr’s Poet of the Day, placed 2nd in the Bartleby Snopes’ Dialog-Only Contest, and has been published by Newsday and, among other publications.

Ms. Lander is currently a student of law and is devoted to marrying her love of writing with philanthropic causes.

Keep an eye out for her next novel, The Witch of Ildra Lac, due out in March 2019.

Holiday Sale – Exclusive Smashwords Special


Maybe I’ve gone crazy… Maybe I haven’t… But I’m putting “Under A Hunter’s Moon” on sale – and only at Smashwords.

Why would I do something like that? Because I appreciate how many people have supported me over the years, and I want to give something back.

Past and present collide on Halloween

Richard Parsons is a maverick wolf-shifter with a tendency to find trouble. When a traveling exhibition returns to the McCaw Museum Richard finds that he has personal reasons to visit after hours. His audacious plan goes awry when a particular display forces painful memories to the surface.

Can Richard face down the demons of his past before the police become aware of his presence?

Why You Should Get Your Copy NOW!

An amazing take on Lycans. I love the dark view taken but also the unique point of view that makes you want to care for the dark creatures.

Jin Okubo (Amazon Reviewer)

“That conflict that is driven into the story. That beautiful story arc that starts off so well.. that builds up to a beautiful crescendo, and then it just drops you and your heart is going to drop when it’s time for it. And you’re going to feel it. You’re going to feel the protagonists pain. You’re going to feel everything.”

Jin Okubo (Video Review)

“I’m usually a gal who needs romance in her books, but I have to say that I got my hands on a copy of Under a Hunter’s Moon by Timothy Bateson and found a great read! This is a short story, so it’s a quick read, but it’s got suspense, action, and it left me wanting to know when the next one is coming out! If you enjoy shifter stories, this one is a great Urban Fantasy short story that introduces you to some characters that you’ll definitely need to know more about!”

Anna (Amazon Reviewer)

“I enjoy the author’s twist on the old werewolf lore, creating a whole new version and calling them Lupines, to allow him to break the rules of the legends without really breaking things, if you know what I mean. “

Heidi Angell (Amazon Reviewer)

31 Days Of Halloween – Teaser Tuesday #5

31 Days Of Halloween-TeaserTuesday-WolvesInTheDesert-3

Wolves In The Desert (Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel Three)

When his squad is deployed to Iraq, Gunnery Sergeant Garfield Feldman leads them in a series of operations against forces loyal to Saddam Hussein.

Recently rumors have been flying around base that the enemy has learned a few new tricks, and found ways to ambush Marine units from buildings that had been declared clear.

Now Feldman’s team has received orders to conduct a snatch-and-grab mission deep in enemy-held territory. But what lies behind the walls, and what can Feldman do to ensure the success of the mission?

Buy At:

Urban Fantasy, Short Story, US Marine Corps, Iraq
$0.99 (USD)
eBook only
Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks

Book Spotlight – “Unconfined Delusions, Beyond the Threshold” by Angela L. Lindseth

31 Days Of Halloween - Unconfined Delusions - Book Spotlight

Book Blurb

Unconfined Delusions, Beyond the Threshold, contains snippets of fast-paced, twisted fiction mingled with short stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. “Broken Heart” questions the morality of organ transplantation. “The Basement” corners you in a dank basement with the tools of torture openly displayed. “My Last Sixteen Hours” counts down the last

minutes before execution. “Seeing Things” warns of a malignant aura wrapping its inky hands around your throat. “The Clutching” will send fingernails searching for a vein.
The words slither across the page, feed on insecurities, and corrupt dreams. Savor the weird deliciousness but read with the lights on. The land of Happily Ever After doesn’t exist behind this cover. Don’t let your guard down because the next page might bite.
Angela L. Lindseth’s first collection of flash fiction, Sanity’s Threshold, Slivers of a Twisted Mind, is available on Amazon.

Buy Your Copy Now! E-Book, Paperback, Hardback
At These eBook Retailers: Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, iBooks

From the Author

Angela L Lindseth

Angela L. Lindseth was raised on the plains of South Dakota, and though she spent most of her life away, the draw of the Black Hills brought her back. She has a marvelous sense of humor, loves to sing, and has a great fondness for good beer. When not scrapbooking or making jewelry, she works on her dystopian novel, The Contraption, and writes flash fiction, some of which make her question her sanity.

Where To Find Angela L. Lindseth

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website (Angela L. Lindseth)

Short Story: “After Dark”

31 Days Of Halloween - Featured Image - ShortStory - After Dark

This story was written specifically for the “31 Days of Halloween” event.

The original idea actually came from the ending of the story, and me trying to figure out what had happened to reach that point.

I’m deliberately presenting this story in draft form, with minimal editing. I may decide to develop it further, but for now, it seems as complete as it plans to be.

“After Dark” by Timothy Bateson

It was overcast the night my friends and I walked to the cemetery on the edge of town. Everyone told me that it was going to rain tonight, but I couldn’t smell it in the wind.

I’d lived in the city for most of my youth, and knew every smell and sound that the city was capable of producing. I also knew most of the streets, but the outskirts of the city were a mystery at times. And that’s why I’d brought Jenks along, even though he really wasn’t part of my circle of friends.

Jenks had grown up on this side of town, and had talked about how special the graveyard was on Halloween night. He’d regaled us with stories of nights spent wandering between gravestones reading the inscriptions. Though I didn’t really believe him, several of my friends had, and Jenks was labeled a weirdo.

I had my reasons not to believe him but I kept them to myself. After all, Jenks was the weirdo, not me. Somehow, despite everything, I was the popular one.

I was lost in thought as we approached the cemetery, and I missed whatever they were discussing, until Rollo asked how we were going to get in.

It was after dark, and I was interested in hearing the answer myself. So I turned to Jenks and asked him what his plan was to get all of us over the wall.

“There’s a loose section that I climb over, and it should hold even Rollo’s weight.”

Yeah, there was the other reason why Jenks wasn’t part of our circle. He spent a lot of time picking on Rollo and I didn’t like it. Rollo was one of the kindest people I knew, and didn’t deserve the kind of crap that Jenks gave him for his weight problem. The kid liked to eat, sure. But then when it came to mealtimes, he usually brought something that the rest of us could share.

I had Jenks show us where to climb, and we scrambled over, one after the other. I landed on the other side of the wall last amid nervous giggling and glances back toward the street. Smiling I called everyone to order, and waited for the merriment to quiet.

This wasn’t a normal night, and the reduced level of light made everything seem eerie, especially with the low-lying fog. But I knew that there were no reasons for most of us to be nervous.

The only people here, other than us, were long dead, and I was okay about that. The dead were nothing to be afraid of, and I reminded everyone of that. As nerves seemed to settle Jenks suggested that we should head deeper into the cemetery so he could show us his favorite headstone.

I nodded, and gave him the illusion of being in charge, if even for a few minutes. There was no harm in it, especially after his dig at Rollo. In fact, if anything that cemented my resolve to let him lead us deeper, if he dared. I still had my doubts about his claims.

Five minutes later, we were standing over a grave that looked freshly dug, even though the inscription indicated that it was much older. In fact, according to the headstone this was where an eighteen year old boy had been buried over sixty years ago.

I looked around my circle of friends, and decided to end the charade, and kick off the main event of the night.

I let my incisors extend, and watched the others do the same. That’s the moment we all turned on Jenks, and I grinned.

And then I started the countdown. “Ten… Nine…” It was on seven that Jenks finally took the hint, and ran. It would be a good hunt, as long as he didn’t fall into any of our graves, or faint like last year’s prey.

If he made the wall, he was safe, and the rules said we had to offer him the chance to join us. If he refused, he’d die anyway. But after his dig at Rollo, I wasn’t going to give him the chance to be one of us. Jenks did love graves, so maybe we’d hide his remains in one when we were done feasting.

“Dinner’s on me tonight boys. And no playing with your food, you have to be back in your graves before morning.” Of course, they didn’t need the reminder – we’d played this game for six decades.

Book Spotlight – “Wolves In The Desert (Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel Three)” by Timothy Bateson

31 Days Of Halloween - Wolves In The Desert - Book Spotlight

Book Blurb

When his squad is deployed to Iraq, Gunnery Sergeant Garfield Feldman leads them in a series of operations against forces loyal to Saddam Hussein. 

Recently rumors have been flying around base that the enemy has learned a few new tricks, and found ways to ambush Marine units from buildings that had been declared clear. 

Now Feldman’s team has received orders to conduct a snatch-and-grab mission deep in enemy-held territory. But what lies behind the walls, and what can Feldman do to ensure the success of the mission?

Buy Your Copy Now! E-Book
At These eBook Retailers: Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, iBooks

Here’s what people had to say about “Under A Hunter’s Moon (Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel One)”

I enjoy the author’s twist on the old werewolf lore, creating a whole new version and calling them Lupines, to allow him to break the rules of the legends without really breaking things, if you know what I mean. 

Amazon Reviewer

From the Author

Timothy Bateson

Timothy Bateson is a writer who broke into the market in 2014, with three short stories being featured in Halloween and science-fiction anthologies. In 2016, Bateson self-published a re-release of “Under A Hunter’s Moon”, the first of a several stories set in the “Shadows Over Seattle” world, which he co-writes with his wife, Sandi.

Bateson is also a blogger who often spotlights books and fellow indie authors, alongside his other interests, such as the Brain to Books Cyber Convention events, falconry, journaling, quotes, and reading. More about Bateson’s writing can be found at, or at his blog

Where To Find Timothy Bateson

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Blog (Ramblings of an Author), Website (Timothy Bateson)

31 Days Of Halloween – Teaser Tuesday #4

31 Days Of Halloween-TeaserTuesday-WolvesInTheDesert-2

Wolves In The Desert (Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel Three)

When his squad is deployed to Iraq, Gunnery Sergeant Garfield Feldman leads them in a series of operations against forces loyal to Saddam Hussein.

Recently rumors have been flying around base that the enemy has learned a few new tricks, and found ways to ambush Marine units from buildings that had been declared clear.

Now Feldman’s team has received orders to conduct a snatch-and-grab mission deep in enemy-held territory. But what lies behind the walls, and what can Feldman do to ensure the success of the mission?

Buy At:

Urban Fantasy, Short Story, US Marine Corps, Iraq
$0.99 (USD)
eBook only
Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks

31 Days Of Halloween – Teaser Tuesday #3

31 Days Of Halloween-TeaserTuesday-WolvesInTheDesert-1

Wolves In The Desert (Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel Three)

When his squad is deployed to Iraq, Gunnery Sergeant Garfield Feldman leads them in a series of operations against forces loyal to Saddam Hussein.

Recently rumors have been flying around base that the enemy has learned a few new tricks, and found ways to ambush Marine units from buildings that had been declared clear.

Now Feldman’s team has received orders to conduct a snatch-and-grab mission deep in enemy-held territory. But what lies behind the walls, and what can Feldman do to ensure the success of the mission?

Buy At:

Urban Fantasy, Short Story, US Marine Corps, Iraq
$0.99 (USD)
eBook only
Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks

Book Spotlight – “Carousel of Nightmares” by Kerry E.B. Black

31 Days Of Halloween - Carousel of Nightmares - Book Spotlight

Book Blurb

In Carousel of Nightmares, author Kerry E.B. Black corralled a collection of scary short stories. She hopes you may find the beauty in the nightmarish coats, the sparkle in their malignant eyes, and the magic in the rhythm of accelerated heartbeats. May the ride they offer lead to the adventure you seek!

Buy Your Copy Now! Paperback
At These eBook Retailers: Amazon

From The Author

Kerry EB Black

Kerry E.B. Black resides in a swamp along a foggy river outside the city of steel and three rivers. This enthusiastic short story writer recently released (or will soon release) a YA paranormal adventure novel, Season of Secrets, through Rhetoric Askew Publishing, and a collections of her short stories will be storming the market place through Tree Shadow Press. Please follow this “Rough Writer” and one-time first reader for Postcard Poetry and Prose at any of the sites below.

Where To Find Kerry E.B. Black

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Website (Allusionary Assembly – The Writings of Kerry E.B. Black)

Storytime: “Tap Tap Tap” by Lyssa Medana

This story was reproduced from here, with the author’s kind permission.

31 Days Of Halloween - Featured Image - Storytime TapTapTap

It started when the house along the street blew up.  We were told it was safe and I suppose it was.  The houses either side of the gap were fine and there was no trace of gas or anything.  But that night the tapping started.

First it was on the windows, a light, tap tap tap, like a branch against the panes in a light breeze.  Except there were no branches near my window.  Just the tap tap tap after dark.  It started to unnerve me.  There was

never any trace when I pulled back the curtains to look and nothing seemed out of place when I looked at the windows from the street in daylight

Gradually I got used to it and talked about perhaps it was mice or birds in the attic.  I even added it to the ghost stories that were exchanged at work – I live in York, after all, and there are always ghost stories.  However, as the nights grew longer and the days got cooler, the tapping changed.

It was the day after my birthday, 22nd of September, when I sat bolt upright in bed.  The tap tap tap was now coming from the living room.  I remember how frozen I felt, pinned to my bed as the gentle tap tap tap seemed to patter against the wooden floor.  I crept to the door of my bedroom and listened.  There were no human footsteps, no rustle of clothes and no sigh or grunt of someone moving.  I opened the door just a crack, peering out into the hall.  No light shone from under the living room door.  As I gathered my courage to confront the noise, the tap tap tap faded away and I realised it was dawn.

That was three days ago.  I forgot about the tapping as I went away for work.  I lost myself in the hectic pace of the conference and the after conference drinks, happy to forget about strange noises, but now I was back.  There was no sign of any disturbance in the house.  Nothing had moved.  I had a quick shower and got into bed with Netflix playing loudly as I wriggled down into the bed.

But it didn’t drown the tapping.  I can hear it now, tap tap tap in the living room.  I am lying here, terrified, as the tap tap tap gets nearer and nearer.  The tapping is in the hall now and getting closer to my door.   I pick up my phone from the bedside cabinet and scroll through my contacts, looking for the number that had been forced on me.  Now I was desperate.  I found the name – Rev D King, Exorcist.  My fingers trembled as I dialled the number, burrowed under the covers.  Dawn is two hours away and the tapping is getting closer.

If you enjoyed this story, be sure to check out “Quiet Library” over on “Always Another Chapter”

Lyssa Medana

About Lysaa Medana

Lyssa Medana is a 50 year old author living in West Yorkshire, UK. Her works include The Forgotten Village, Digging up the Past, Cats in the Bible, Dinner at Dark and Tales from the White Hart.  

Lyssa also regularly publishes poems and short stories on her blog, Always Another Chapter.  

Lyssa is fascinated by the odd, the quirky and the unusual and enjoys dipping in to old folklore and English social history, which she shamelessly uses for her writing. Her hobbies include knitting, reading and heckling history documentaries.   

Where To Find Alyssa Medana

Facebook, Twitter, Website & Blog