Shadows Over Seattle – 1st Look – Racial Genealogy

SoS_ Racial GeneologyThe Problem With Some Fantasy Series

There are a lot of fantasy series out there. Many of them draw on the myths, legends, and fairy tales of the world around us. Now, there are a lot of creatures in mythology that seem to share some basic traits, despite their cultural origins. And this got me thinking.

Does Evolution Have A Place In Fantasy?

This was the question that led to some of the most interesting discussions between my wife and myself while we were developing the background for the “Shadows Over Seattle” stories.

What came out of those discussions was the idea that cross-breeding between species could produce off-spring that retained some of traits of their parents. Even more interesting was the idea that some of these off-spring could breed with others of the same mixed parentage, and effectively create a new species. Over time, traits could become exaggerated, or diminished by breeding with one, or other of the original parent races.

The Trouble With Evolution In Fantasy

And everything would have been good, except that we wanted to include some aspects of magic, and mysticism into the mix too.

So, what happened? We created events that would be significant enough that one or more race could effectively have been created as a result of something other than evolution. And, so was born the Great Hunt that caused the creation of the Vampire breeds.

The Racial Genealogy Chart…

What resulted from all those discussions, notes, and events was the chart presented here. It’s incomplete, because there are relationships between races that we don’t want to reveal just yet, as well as some races that are not listed, for reasons of clarity.

We’ll probably expand on this chart at some point, as we continue to develop the series, and decide to release certain information. But for now, please feel free to open the image, and take a look at what we’ve got so far.

Even better, feel free to comment below…

Shadows Over Seattle (Where to find information):

Under A Hunter’s Moon – Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel 1 (Published Short Story)

The Lupine’s Call – Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel 2 (Exclusive to my mailing list members – Subscribe)

Wolves In The Desert – Shadows Over Seattle: Prequel 3 (Unpublished Short Story)

Of Wolves & Men – Shadows Over Seattle: Book 1 (Work In Progress, First full novel in the series)




3 thoughts on “Shadows Over Seattle – 1st Look – Racial Genealogy

  1. Cool! This is an interesting take on worldbuilding.

    On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 11:07 AM Timothy Bateson (ramblings of an author) wrote:

    > timothybatesonauthor posted: “The Problem With Some Fantasy Series There > are a lot of fantasy series out there. Many of them draw on the myths, > legends, and fairy tales of the world around us. Now, there are a lot of > creatures in mythology that seem to share some basic traits, despit” >


  2. Thanks, Constance. My wife and I are particularly pleased with how everything came together, and I’ve been wanting to share this work for some time.
    I don’t know how much is going to play a part in the stories we’re working on, but it’s nice to have this sitting in the background to draw from.


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